Rediscover the joy you have been missing.
Some people mistakenly believe that depression is just sadness. It can be sadness, but there can be more to it. Depression is dragging yourself out of bed still feeling exhausted. It is showing up to work and faking a smile and making it look like you have everything together so that no one knows that your world feels like it is falling apart behind the scenes. Depression is over drinking, over eating, or overworking so that you don’t have to feel or think. It is being irritated at people and things you used to be able to ignore. It is feeling so lonely, but being unable to bring yourself to get off your couch and turn off Netflix to get ready to go out and socialize and then hating yourself for it. It is being successful and it not mattering because you still don’t feel good enough. It is being there for everybody and holding everybody together, while you fall apart alone. It does not have to be like this. Depression is treatable. Counseling therapy can help restore your joy and beat depression.